Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Blog Final S1

       This semester was very different from last year's.  This year it was just SID by itself which meant that this time all my projects were revolved around sports. I had time to improve and learned more this year than lat year. Football season is the major sport in the fall, and I did the Game Day camera just like last year. I learned how to stable the shots more and since I did it last year I new what  was doing. I'm good at being able to get the shots and work my way around the players in order to get the shots I need. Another strength I have is cooperation and getting along with my peers. I have no problem with any of them and I am trying to get to know each one of them since I will be working sooner or later with each of them. When some asked for help on how to set up for broadcast or how everything needed to be done, I was able to help them out and able to communicate with them with no problem throughout broadcasts as well as the whole semester. My strengths include editing as well. Last year I did a lot of editing which has prepared me for this year. I have improved a lot and I am able to work around the newer Final Cut Pro. It had some changes to it but I was able to figure it out and I am now able to edit the videos as good as last year.

          My weaknesses include writing scripts and writing voiceovers to the stories that need voiceovers. I'm not good at coming up with things to write the script or voiceovers and so I ask for help or I assign someone to do it ( I ask them nicely). My other weaknesses would include doing the voiceovers since I have the tendency to mumble and according to others I'm very quiet when I speak. I also stumble on some of the words and I have to work on speaking louder and much clearer. My other weaknesses would include knowing the names of the equipment like what cable connects to what box as you can tell at the moment. Other than that I will try to improve on those skills and try to get as much skills and knowledge before graduation.

        Next semester I will work on steadying my shots when I film. It is basketball season and the game is much quicker than football and since the court is smaller, I have to really work on making sure I have everything filmed and get also to get creative with my shots since I have limited space to film on. Next semester I will also try to film all sports. I have filmed the majority of all sports except softball, boy's golf, boy's dive, and girl's swim and dive teams. I would like to graduate knowing I filmed each sport and gain knowledge of each one. I would like to improve on knowing all equipment names like the AUX cords and what box they plug into. Next semester I am hoping to at least write one script and one voiceover (if I have to). I'm not the most comfortable with writing but I want to work on that skill and make sure I improve on it. I want to be able to do my own voiceover with a strong, steady, loud and clear voice without any stumbling which means I have to work on getting confident with these things. I am going to anchor next semester since I have been avoiding it this year but I will do it so that way I know I did every part of broadcasting. I want to work on everything I haven't done in the past semester as well as last year. I also want to make this the best semester since it is going to be my last. I want to stay focused and make sure I can juggle this program as well as everything else I'm juggling with graduation very close and coming fast. My plan overall is walking through the stage knowing I did my absolute best for this program that has given me great memories and new friendships as well as an awesome teacher that believes in me and trusts me.

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