My personality font is Pistilli Roman. My four words that describe me that got me this font are emotional, traditional, assertive, and disciplined. Pistilli is emotional because it's arousing. How it relates to my personality is because when I saw the font it aroused me to it. It held my interest. The next word is traditional. I like to keep things old fashion. I am a big believer of old sayings. The next word is assertive. Assertive means having or showing a confident or forceful personality. I'm not shy at all and when I need to find answers, I will speak up and ask. Pistilli roman's font isn't hard to miss. When you see it it's hard to ignore it since the majority of the letters have swirls. It's out there. The final word is discipline. The font isn't too crazy. It has a hint of gentleness in it's swirls. How it relates to my personality is that I know how to handle situations as best as I can. I have my feeling all controlled and I try to keep everything as gentle going as possible.
What a cool font. I love the ear on the "g".